Supervision and Consultation

Russell is licensed as a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor and certified as a Fee-Based Practicing Pastoral Counselor. He supervises LPCA’s and persons working toward certification as a Fee-Based Practicing Pastoral Counselors.

Jeanine is licensed as an LCSW and supervises LCSWA’s.

Both also provide ongoing clinical consultation for fully licensed therapists, as well as consultation for physicians, ministers, and other professionals.

We are committed to helping supervisees grow in four areas:

  1. conceptual groundedness (finding a theory that helps you help your clients),
  2. technical proficiency (improving the skills you use in client sessions),
  3. use of self (increasing self-awareness and use of self-awareness in helping the client), and
  4. professional advancement (completing requirements for licensure and developing your professional identity).

A good supervisory relationship takes mutual trust, honesty, clear boundaries and expectations, affirmation, and compassionate confrontation. It is the responsibility of both supervisor and supervisee to help these things happen.